Difference between production build install & development build install

Production Build Install:

  • When you run a production build install, it installs only the necessary dependencies required for your application to run in a production environment.

  • It skips installing development-specific packages, such as testing frameworks or code quality tools, which are not needed when deploying your application for users.

  • Production build installs are typically faster because they exclude unnecessary development dependencies.

Development Build Install:

  • When you run a development build install, it installs both the required dependencies for your application and additional packages needed for development purposes.

  • It includes tools and libraries that assist with tasks like testing, linting, bundling, and code transpilation.

  • Development build installs ensure that your development environment has all the necessary dependencies to facilitate coding, debugging, and testing.

  • They are typically slower compared to production builds due to the installation of additional development dependencies.

In summary, a production build install focuses on installing only the necessary dependencies for your application to run in a production environment, while a development build install includes additional dependencies and tools that assist with the development process.